DOI 10.14707/ajbr.200072

Editorial: It Will Go Away!?
Pandemic Crisis and Business in Asia

DOI 10.14707/ajbr.200072

Hiram Ting
Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, UCSI University, Malaysia

Jeffrey Ling
MNT Ventures Limited, New Zealand and REV by Venturecraft, Singapore

Jun Hwa Cheah
School of Business and Economics, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia


In this Editorial we look into the lessons business in Asia can learn and certain opportunities academics and practitioners can tap into during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also look at some of the plausible things marketers and those who are going into business using online platforms can do during the crisis. Given the magnitude of the pandemic, business strategies and activities need to be reconsidered. Although the lessons and approaches presented in the Editorial are not entirely new, especially to those in digital marketing, business technology and innovation, they have to be evaluated and planned out in a new light. Despite the devastating effect of the crisis, it is hoped that the Editorial will shed some ideas and perpetuate the discourse about the moving forward of business in Asia at these times.

Keywords:Business in Asia, Marketing Crisis, Pandemic, COVID-19, Innovation

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