AJBR – A Journal about Business in Asia and Beyond

About the Journal


AJBR Vol. 12 Issue 3 and onwards are published at the AJBR new website at: www.ajbr.co.nz

The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.).

Asian Journal of Business Research (AJBR with ISSN of 2463-4522 and e-ISSN of 1178-8933) is a scholarly and international journal that aims to disseminate new and challenging theories, paradigms, findings and managerial implications based on actual Asian business situations. Initiated by the Founding Director, Prof Kim-Shyan Fam, the journal started its maiden volume and issue in2011, and has since attracted papers not only from Asian countries but from all over the world. All papers from current issue and past issues of AJBR are open-access for reading and downloading.

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Forrest Zhilin Yang (Professional Information)
Managing Editor: Associate Prof. Dr. Hiram Ting (Professional Information)

Aims and Scope

AJBR favours research that provides insights into business in Asia and compares business operations between Asian countries and/or non-Asian countries that advance theoretical stance and empirical evidence in business-related studies. Such research includes, but is not limited to:

1. Marketing, including advertising, retailing, segmentation, and supply chain management;
2. Business, including business to business, international business, business ethics, and SME;
3. Tourism, including leisure, hospitality, food and festivals, and culture and heritage;
4. Management, including organizational change, leadership, strategy, operation, and HRM;
5. Human Behaviour, including consumer decision-making, post-behaviour, and psychological aspects.

Manuscripts that effectively communicate the underlying theory(ies) and findings to the reality of the Asian business world are particularly encouraged.

Journal Policy

AJBR is published by Asia Business Research Corporation Limited under the initiative of MAGScholar.

AJBR publishes three times per year from 2019 onward (April, August, December). Abstracts and manuscripts must be written in English, and can be submitted via email throughout the year. There is no submission and publication fee for Regular Issue. Arrangement on Special Issue is also welcome.

All manuscripts are subject to strict double-blind peer-review process by scholars of the same fields. Every corresponding author is required to submit the manuscript with a cover letter. Such letter must declare the originality of manuscript, authenticity of data, and non conflict of interest (see AJBR Publishing Ethics). The Editors will review each manuscript first and conduct a similarity check to decide if it is to be sent to the reviewers. The reviewing process will normally take no more than three months. Manuscript that fails to comply with any ethical issues and submission guidelines will be rejected.

All published papers are archived on MAG Scholar‘s website and Google Scholar Citation to increase its visibility and citations. Updates about AJBR, including the latest published papers, are and will be posted on MAG Scholar’s Facebook page.

All manuscripts are to be submitted to the Editors/Editorial Office at ajbr.magscholar@gmail.com. Any queries should be directed to AJBR Editorial Office or the Managing Editor Associate Prof. Dr. Hiram Ting at hiramparousia@gmail.com.

