Submission and Publication – MAGScholar Conference 2019 (Asia)

Submission Guidelines:

  1. The conference only accepts short manuscript. The template is providedhere.
  2. The manuscript must not exceed 10 pages or should be between 3000-5000 words, and it includes title page, abstract, tables, figures and references.
  3. All submissions must be done at Easychair (Submission Link).
  4. Authors do not need to submit abstract or full manuscript to the conference.
  5. All short manuscript would be reviewed and published as conference proceedings with the possible inclusion in Conference Proceeding Citation Index (CPCI).
  6. Selected short manuscripts would be eligible for best paper awards.
  7. Selected short manuscripts would be eligible for full manuscript submission for publication consideration.

Publication Opportunities:

  1. Asian Journal of Business Research (SCOPUS)
  2. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (SCOPUS)
  3. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI/SCOPUS)
    4. International Journal of Manpower (SSCI/SCOPUS)
    5. International Journal of Business and Society (ESCI/SCOPUS)
  4. More journals to come.