Submission Guidelines:
- The conference only accepts short manuscript. The template is providedhere.
- The manuscript must not exceed 10 pages or should be between 3000-5000 words, and it includes title page, abstract, tables, figures and references.
- All submissions must be done at Easychair (Submission Link).
- Authors do not need to submit abstract or full manuscript to the conference.
- All short manuscript would be reviewed and published as conference proceedings with the possible inclusion in Conference Proceeding Citation Index (CPCI).
- Selected short manuscripts would be eligible for best paper awards.
- Selected short manuscripts would be eligible for full manuscript submission for publication consideration.
Publication Opportunities:
- Asian Journal of Business Research (SCOPUS)
- International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies (SCOPUS)
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (SSCI/SCOPUS)
4. International Journal of Manpower (SSCI/SCOPUS)
5. International Journal of Business and Society (ESCI/SCOPUS) - More journals to come.