DOI 10.14707/ajbr.220131

Proximity and Retail Loyalty: Mediation of Time Convenience

Tiu Chai Hui1* and Dayang Affizzah binti Awang Marikan1
1 Faculty of Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia
*Corresponding author:


Intense competition in the online retailing arena is transforming retailing systems to
include mobile commerce resulting in increasing challenges to retailers since
adoption is voluntary and changing consumer expectations shaped by circumstances,
norms, and the need for new technology adaptations. As consumer behaviour is easily
affected by the increasing social interactions through social networking media, the
human and social factors that technology adoption theories lacks were commonly
added into the studies to improve predictive capabilities. Therefore, this study
investigates the social dimension’s effects on technology adoption by adopting the
institutional theory concept i.e., isomorphism, and conducting a systematic literature
review exercise basing on the PRISMA framework. Articles review found
organisation adoption studies commonly adapted institutional theory, but scarcity on
consumer technology adoption. Isomorphic forces (i.e., coercive pressures, mimetic
pressures, normative pressures) would significantly affect technological adoption
and apply to both organisational and consumer adoption because individual
behaviour detects successful adoption. By understanding market isomorphic forces,
retailers could use the facts to formulate marketing strategies. The systematic
literature review also showed variation in technology adoption because of cultural
differences, norms, demographics, etc. Market isomorphism inclusion in consumer
adoption studies is scarce. Recommendation for inclusion is encouraged for further
investigation into its discriminant validity and definitions.

Keywords: Isomorphic forces, Market isomorphism, Omnichannel, Technology adoption,
Information systems, Mobile commerce.

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